Co-Parenting in Foster Care

More and more foster care agencies are shifting to a co-parenting model, but for many foster parents, co-parenting seems counterintuitive, or even wrong. This curriculum looks at what co-parenting (or shared parenting) is and why it can be a beneficial tool for helping families heal and be reunited. We also provide some concrete tips on how to establish a healthy co-parenting relationship with your foster child’s birth parents.

Parents will leave the support group with a better understanding of the following topics.

  • What is co-parenting and how is it different from traditional foster parenting?
  • What are some of the advantages to co-parenting for the child, the birth parents, and the resource family?
  • What are some of the common concerns birth parents and foster parents have about co-parenting?
  • What are some of the tricky situations in shared parenting and how can you deal with them?

*This curriculum includes a video, facilitator guide, and handouts.

Need more information? Request a demonstration.

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Co-Parenting in Foster Care

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  • Initial Facilitator Training for online and in-person groups

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