
This curriculum will help parents and caregivers learn what co-regulation is and why it’s vital to instruct children about self-regulation through co-regulation. Parents and caregivers will learn why self-regulation is necessary and how co-regulation builds a child’s foundational skills for eventual self-regulation. It’s vital that parents understand why kids who have experienced trauma tend to struggle with self-regulation. With that information, parents will then learn that co-regulation can help them build healthy attachment with their child. Parents and caregivers will also learn how co-regulation works, along with practical ideas for teaching their children self-soothing skills. Parents will leave the support group with a better understanding of the following topics.
  • How trauma impacts a child’s ability to learn self-regulation.
  • Why co-regulation with a primary caregiver or parent is the best way to teach self-regulation.
  • How co-regulation builds attachment and trust with a child.
  • What the five steps of co-regulation are.
  • How to teach self-soothing in active attachment building.
*This curriculum includes a video, facilitator guide, and handouts.

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